How to build your own looker studio dashboards from scratch! Or edit any of my templates ;) $0
Exactly what you're getting:
Over 20+ lessons on how to edit and what all you can do with Looker Studio Dashboards.
How to match your branding
Understand what metrics you can report on
Add different sources (think GA, Social Media, Live Sales, etc)
6 thorough dashboard templates to edit (and any new ones I add in the future)
Know exactly where your leads and sales are coming from
Analyze your launch stats better
Organic Search: What keywords are being searched to find your page
Social Media Traffic: How many people are coming from each platform: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.
UTM Mini-Course to teach you exactly how to tag your traffic in your marketing campaigns so you can literally see where your traffic is coming from (down to which ad or blog post they clicked on) ($250 Value)
Plus UTM Traffic Report Dashboard
Total value over $3000!
Enter your bullet points here..
I'm obsessed with this data. This is super exciting! Thank you so much!!
Liz Rohr
I look at my data before and after every launch. I've learned so much about where my BUYERS are coming from and what emails lead to them
Emily Reagan
This data in so valuable for my business. I know exactly what marketing efforts are working.